Slots available in these categories: Other|NFT Designer|NFT Investor|NFT Promoter|NFT Apps|NFT-MarketPlaces|Website Creator |



FTX is a cryptocurrency exchange originally based in the Bahamas. Founded by one of the most influential names currently in the crypto space, Sam Bankman-Freid, FTX has made it to the top cryptocurrency exchanges list in a very less period.Sam Bankman has been in the news several times for his charitable announcements and plans. FTX was launched in 2019 and offers options, derivatives, tokenized stocks, leveraged tokens and of course, an NFT marketplace.Valued at around $32 billion following a funding round that raised over $400 million, FTX is one of the most trusted and well-known exchanges in the space currently. The NFT marketplace for FTX is much loved by users due to its low fees and cheap minting.